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Use this method to activate Tendermint coins (COSMOS/IRIS/OSMOSIS) and IBC assets in a single command.

tickerstringTicker of the platform protocol coin. Options: ATOM, IRIS, OSMOSIS
mm2integerRequired if not set in coins file. Informs the Komodo DeFi Framework API whether or not the coin is expected to function. Accepted values are 0 or 1
tokens_paramsarray of objectsA list of standard TokensRequest objects.
nodesarray of objectsA list of EvmNode objects.
priv_key_policystringOptional, defaults to ContextPrivKey. value can be ContextPrivKey,Trezor when Komodo DeFi Framework is built for native platforms. value can be ContextPrivKey, Trezor, Metamask when the Komodo DeFi Framework is built targeting wasm
tx_historybooleanOptional, defaults to false. If true the Komodo DeFi Framework API will preload transaction history as a background process. Must be set to true to use the my_tx_history method
required_confirmationsintegerOptional, defaults to 3. When the platform coin is involved, the number of confirmations for the Komodo DeFi Framework API to wait during the transaction steps of an atomic swap
requires_notarizationbooleanOptional, defaults to false. If true, coins protected by Komodo Platform's dPoW security will wait for a notarization before progressing to the next atomic swap transactions step.
get_balancesbooleanOptional, defaults to true. If false, coin and token balances will not be returned in the response, and the response will be returned more quickly.

current_blockintegerBlock height of the coin being activated
tickerstringTicker of the platform protocol coin, as input in the request.
addressstringAn address for the activated coin
balanceobjectOnly returned when get_balances is true. A standard BalanceInfo object.
tokens_balancesarray of objectsOnly returned when get_balances is true. A list of standard AddressInfo objects, one for each token.
tokens_tickersarrayOnly returned when get_balances is false. A list of each token which was activated.

  "method": "enable_tendermint_with_assets",
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "params": {
    "ticker": "IRIS",
    "tokens_params": [
        "ticker": "ATOM-IBC_IRIS"
    "nodes": [
        "url": "https://iris-rpc.alpha.komodo.earth/",
        "api_url": "https://iris-api.alpha.komodo.earth/",
        "grpc_url": "https://iris-grpc.alpha.komodo.earth/",
        "ws_url": "wss://iris-rpc.alpha.komodo.earth/websocket"
        "url": "https://rpc.irishub-1.irisnet.org",
        "komodo_proxy": false
    "tx_history": true,
    "get_balances": false

  "method": "enable_tendermint_with_assets",
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "params": {
    "ticker": "IRIS",
    "tokens_params": [
        "ticker": "ATOM-IBC_IRIS"
    "nodes": [
        "url": "https://iris-rpc.alpha.komodo.earth/",
        "api_url": "https://iris-api.alpha.komodo.earth/",
        "grpc_url": "https://iris-grpc.alpha.komodo.earth/",
        "ws_url": "wss://iris-rpc.alpha.komodo.earth/websocket"
        "url": "https://rpc.irishub-1.irisnet.org",
        "komodo_proxy": false
    "get_balances": true