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Wallet Operations Structures

Used to specify a HD wallet account_id or address_id for my_tx_history v2 requests.

typestringFilters results by account_id or address_id part of the derivation path.
account_idintegerACCOUNT_ID child in the m/44'/COIN'/ACCOUNT_ID'/CHAIN/ADDRESS_ID BIP44 derivation path.
address_idintegerOnly required when type is address_id. ADDRESS_ID child in the m/44'/COIN'/ACCOUNT_ID'/CHAIN/ADDRESS_ID BIP44 derivation path.
chainstringOnly required when type is address_id. Internal, or External. External is used for addresses that are meant to be visible outside of the wallet (e.g. for receiving payments). Internal is used for addresses which are not meant to be visible outside of the wallet and is used for return transaction change.

The InputTxns object includes the following items:

tx_hashstringThe transaction id of an unspent transaction from the same wallet output.
indexintegerThe output index of this unspent transaction output.
script_pub_keystringThe scriptpubkey of this unspent transaction output.
amountfloatThe value of this unspent transaction output.

The NewAddressInfo response object includes the following items for request in HD mode:

addressstringThe account address for a specific derivation path under the account_index.
derivation_pathstringThe BIP44 derivation path of the address. If there are no more addresses with balances within the gap limit, the address index will increment.
balanceobjectA standard balanceInfo object.
chainstringInternal, or External. External is used for addresses that are meant to be visible outside of the wallet (e.g. for receiving payments). Internal is used for addresses which are not meant to be visible outside of the wallet and is used for return transaction change.

The PayForGas object includes the following items:

tx_typestringETH/EVM coins and tokens only. Options are Legacy or Eip1559. The type of transaction values being configured.
gas_pricedecimalOnly used if tx_type is Legacy. Values are in Gwei. The maximium price per gas unit the user is willing to pay for the transaction.
max_fee_per_gasdecimalOnly used if tx_type is Eip1559. Values are in Gwei. The maximum amount to pay per unit of gas to get your transaction included in a block.
max_priority_fee_per_gasdecimalOnly used if tx_type is Eip1559. Values are in Gwei. This is paid directly to the miner, and can be set by the user to attract minimal delay in transaction confirmation.
min_wait_timeintegerOptional, only used if tx_type is Eip1559. Estimated minimum transaction wait time in mempool (in ms) for this priority level.
max_wait_timeintegerOptional, only used if tx_type is Eip1559. Estimated maximum transaction wait time in mempool (in ms) for this priority level.

Eip1559 allows users to save on gas fees. To use this feature for a coin/token, its entry in your coins file must include fields for chain_id and max_eth_tx_type. To allow eip-1559 transactions, max_eth_tx_type should be set to 2. To find the chain_id for an [EVM network(https://blog.thirdweb.com/evm-compatible-blockchains-and-ethereum-virtual-machine/)], refer to chainlist.org. There is also a new gas_fee_estimator parameter in the coins file, which can be set to provider or simple.

By default, simple gas fee estimation suggests a fee based on fee history. If set gas_fee_estimator is set to provider, users must set the gas_api setting in their MM2.json file to source recommended fee values from third party providers Infura or Blocknative.

Use the start_eth_fee_estimator method to begin tracking the fee market for a coin (and its tokens). You can stop tracking the fee market with stop_eth_fee_estimator.

To set or view the current swap transaction fee policy, use the get_swap_transaction_fee_policy and set_swap_transaction_fee_policy methods.

For more information about EIP1559, refer to https://www.blocknative.com/blog/eip-1559-fees

The RawTxInfo object includes the following items:

tx_hexstringUTXO only. The raw unsigned hex of a proposed transaction.
prev_txnslistUTXO only. A list of standard InputTxns objects.
tostringETH/EVM only. A destination address to send the funds to.
valuestringETH/EVM only. The amount of funds to be sent as a string with a 0x prefix, in wei units.
gas_limitstringETH/EVM only. The maximum gas to be used for sending the transaction, in gwei units.
pay_for_gasobjectOptional, ETH/EVM only. Used for EIP-1559 fee policy config. A standard PayForGas object.

The ScanAddressesInfo response object includes the following items for request in HD mode:

account_indexintegerACCOUNT_ID child in the m/44'/COIN'/ACCOUNT_ID'/CHAIN/ADDRESS_ID BIP44 derivation path. Please don't confuse with the global account.
derivation_pathstringThe BIP44 derivation path of the account.
new_addresseslistA list of standard NewAddressInfo objects.

The WalletBalanceInfo object includes the following items in the activation response for a coin in HD mode:

wallet_typestringIn HD wallet mode, this will return HD.
accountsobjectA standard WalletAccountInfo object.
    "wallet_balance": {
        "wallet_type": "HD",
        "accounts": [

The WithdrawFromInfo response object includes the following items for HD Wallet withdraw (v2) requests. You can use either the derivation_path on its own, or the account_id, chain and address_id together.

derivation_pathstringThe BIP44 derivation path of the address.
account_idintegerACCOUNT_ID child in the m/44'/COIN'/ACCOUNT_ID'/CHAIN/ADDRESS_ID BIP44 derivation path. Please don't confuse with the global account.
address_idintegerADDRESS_ID child in the m/44'/COIN'/ACCOUNT_ID'/CHAIN/ADDRESS_ID BIP44 derivation path.
chainstringInternal, or External. External is used for addresses that are meant to be visible outside of the wallet (e.g. for receiving payments). Internal is used for addresses which are not meant to be visible outside of the wallet and is used for return transaction change.

The WalletAccountInfo object includes the following items in the activation response for a coin in HD mode:

account_indexintegerACCOUNT_ID child in the m/44'/COIN'/ACCOUNT_ID'/CHAIN/ADDRESS_ID BIP44 derivation path. Please don't confuse with the global account.
derivation_pathstringDerivation path up to the COIN child. E.g. "m/44'/141'/0'"
total_balanceobjectA standard balanceInfo object.
addresseslistA list of standard AccountAddressInfo objects.
    "account_index": 0,
    "derivation_path": "m/44'/141'/0'",
    "total_balance": {
        "spendable": "23.08710255",
        "unspendable": "0"
    "addresses": [